Better Off Read

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hot Plastic, by Peter Craig

It's a story about thieves. Grifters, scam artists. Identities, credit, wallets, and hearts are all stolen, traded, or used in this book. It does sort of read like a how to book, but being that it takes place in the 80's, most of the techniques are probably too old to use anyway. It was fascinating. I especially recommend it to Peter... for some reason I think you would really like it!

It doesn't look like much. It's a 300 or so page paperback. But there are so many words on each page, and the details are so important, that it took me much longer than I had anticipated to read it.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Mission Statement

To help each other sort through the massive numbers of books in the world, avoiding the bad, and sharing the good. To provide discussion and commentary of the books.

Please use the following format...
Title: Title of book, author

Body: Summary and thoughts of the book.

Comments: use this to discuss or post a second opinion of the book.